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A Walk Down Memory Lane - Zubin Mehta at St. Mary's I.C.S.E

APX Annual GARBA 2013

The St.Xavier's High School Loyola Hall ( Ahmedabad ) and its alumni association APX ( Association of Past Xavierites ) hosted the annual GARBA on the school premises, on Saturday, Oct 5, the first night of the NAVRATRI Durga Pooja festival.

The new Council of WUJA - 2013-2017

The new members of the Council of WUJA, the permanent invitees and the special representatives, as decided per our first Council on the night of 17 August 2013.

Executive Committee :
Alain Deneef, Belgium (President)
Sina Buraimoh-Ademuyewo, Nigeria (Vice-President)
Carlos Gianicolo, Argentina (Secretary)
Ronald D'Costa, India (Treasurer)
Father Bill Currie S.J., USA, (Spiritual counsellor)

South-Asia :
Naresh Gupta, India
Krishnakumar Vijh, India
