All India

Indian flag flies high at WUJA Congress 2013

The Indian delegation to the World Union of Jesuit Alumni/ae (WUJA) Congress 2013 in Medellin Colombia comprised Keynote speaker from India Ms Swati Gautam, JAAI President Mr. Naresh Gupta, Fr.Fernand Durai SJ (Province Co-ordinator Gujarat), Mr.Krishnakumar Vijh (JAAI West Zone Council member) and Fr. Charles Aruldass SJ (Gujarat)
Ms Swati Gautam's keynote address was very well received and received a standing ovation. Mr Naresh Gupta also addressed the highly successfull Congress.
At the World Council meeting held during the Congress Mr. Ronald D'costa (India) was re-elected as the Treasurer of the WC. Mr Naresh Gupta (India) and Mr.Krishnakumar Vijh (India) were also elected as members of the World Council.

Challo Ahmedabad - JAAI National Congress 2014

Jesuit Alumni/ae Associations of India (JAAI) National Congress will be hosted by the Gujarat Province of the JAAI West Zone. Ahmedabad is the host city and the venues will be the St.Xavier's High School and the St.Xavier's College. The Jesuit Alumni Associations of Gujarat ( JAAG ) are the organizers and hosts.
The Congress is scheduled for 3rd to 5th January, 2014: Registrations: 3rd January 2014 Congress Proceedings: 4th and 5th January 2014.

Registration Form for World Congress at Medellin, Colombia

Rev. Fathers and Dear Jesuit Alumni/ae,

We are pleased to attach the Registration form of The 8th Congress of the World Union of Jesuit Alumni/ae will be held at Medellin, Colombia from 14–18 Aug 2013.

Registration fee till 31 March 2013 is U.S. $ 250 and from 1st April 2013 it would be U.S. $ 300.

You are requested to fill it and send along with your remittance.

For more details please contact undersigned or please log on

With Regards,

Naresh Gupta
President, JAAI

Download Registration Form (PDF)

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