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TEXAS celebrates feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Celebrating the Feast of St Ignatius today morning in our School.

Present were  all  students, staff (teaching & non-teaching), school management along with Texas Office Bearers.

An apt way to celebrate the Saint and his way of life today was Birthday of School Manager Fr Nagin which was celebrated with cake cutting.

On this occasion a Tree Plantation was also organised where in total of 100 plants were planted in our school ground by Father's, Sisters teachers, Students & Texas & PTA members.

Happy Feast to all - Team TEXAS

APX celebrates Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Celebrating the Feast of St Ignatius today morning on the St Xavier's High School Loyola Hall grounds.

Present were  all stakeholders & collaborators that is students, staff (teaching & non-teaching), management, parents & alumni/ae.

An apt way to celebrate the Saint and his way of life.

Happy Feast to all - Team APX

APX participates in School investiture ceremony

APX (Association of Past Xavierites, St Xavier's High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad) members were present for the all important and sacred investiture ceremony, for the primary earlier and today morning the higher secondary. The guests were Ms Lavina Sinha IPS and also alumni, and today it was the country's youngest fire safety officer Mr Kaizad Dastoor who has played on the ground but not alumni , both were highly inspirational - Team APX
