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Kolhapur Flood Relief | Jesuit Alumni Associations collaborate

Greetings one n all,

It gives me immense pleasure to update you on the latest development on account of the flood situation n Kolhapur & adjoining cities.

St. Xavier’s High School, Kolhapur with its Alumni recognised as “XESAKOP” (St. Xavier’s Ex-Students Association-Kolhapur) was approached by St. Vincent’s High School, Alumni VOBA that’s the Vincentian Old Boys Association-Pune was keen to assist in any which way, We were given to understand by Mr. Praveen Solanki, Treasure of XESAKOP that they were in need of essential commodities for which a list was shared with us, VOBA was very keen in helping XESAKOP as it comes under the preview of the Pune Province and sanctioned an amount of Rs. 10,000/- for purchases towards their requirements

The appeal was also shared amongst all Vincentians and members of society and amongst our near and dear ones, we were blessed as many came forward with their contribution in kind.

Being Responsible Workshop for Jesuit Education Board of Bombay Province

The Jesuit Education Board has Administrators and Principals from Jesuit Schools in Bombay Province. The Board meets twice a year and has extensive discussions on various topics.

Fr Evarist Newnes, the Manager of St Michaels Marathi medium and the St Michaels English medium School at Manickpur, had attended the JAAI West Zone Congress held at Kolhapur on 10-12 May 2019. The Congress was conducted by Xesakop (St Xavier’s Ex-Students Association). He felt that the workshop conducted during the Congress should be presented to the Jesuit Education Board. This would also help increase awareness of JAAI West Zone Activities with the School Representatives.

The Being Responsible Workshop was held on 17 Aug 19 at St Mary’s High School ICSE, Mazgaon. There were close to 45 participants. The Jesuit Board, along with Fr Francis Swamy , Principal made very good arrangements and were good hosts.

Badminton legends meet APX

Badminton legends : On Left is Anup Shridhar ( Arjuna award winner 2008 ) and on the right is Vijay Lancy, former champion and now CEO of the Prakash Padukone badminton academy. He last week won the masters championships.

Met just now on the Loyola grounds and Fr Charles ( Principal of St Xavier’s Loyola Hall Ahmd , Chairman APX ) is keen on a badminton academy in the school grounds

Both the badminton players are connected with the Jesuit alumni. Vijay Lancy is a parent ( St Joseph ) and Anup is alumni of St Joseph ‘s ,B’lore.
