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Holy Family (HfXs) Vocational Guidance 2019

The first part of Vocational Guidance commenced in 28 July 2019. The second part will be sometime in August or September. During October and November she will have them corrected, analysed and individual notes written up for each student. Then the third part (1-on-1 counselling) happens over Dec/ Jan. So it's a full year's project for us, requiring coordination and follow-ups, all the way between, her, the school admin the students/parents. 

JAAI West Zone Congress 2019 | Kolhapur

The JAAI West Zone Congress 2019 was held on 10-12 May 2019 and  hosted St. Xaviers School, Kolhapur and organized by Xavier’s Ex-Student’s Association, Kolhapur (Xesakop) The venues for the Congress was St Xavier’s High School and Hotel Pavilionn, Kolhapur

The Theme of the congress was Being Responsible

Expected Outcomes for the JAAI West Zone Congress 2019

  • Becoming Aware of Individual responsibilities towards Environment – starting from home.
  • Identifying specific areas for improvement: as individuals, as business leaders, as corporate citizens, as a network, as alumnus of Schools
  • Sharing across JAAI leveraging existing networks

Report on JAAI West Zone Congress 2019

St. Xaviers Gandhinagar commences 50th year celebrations

Xavier’s Gandhinagar commences it’s 50th Year celebrations. Hon’ble Governor of Gujarat Shri O P Kohli, Bishop of Gandhinagar and Provincial of Gujarat graced the occasion.

A crowd of more than 5000 attended the event. More than 500 Alumni registered for the event and around 600 attended. Great support of Fr Durai in realising these participation numbers
