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Jesuits of Bombay Province

On the occasion of the visit of the Jesuit Superior General Fr Artuo Sosa to the Jesuit Bombay Province a Magis Conclave followed by dinner was held on 3rd March 2019 at St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra in Mumbai India.

Several Schools and Colleges in the Bombay Jesuit Province are run by the Fathers and Brothers of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), a religious congregation internationally known for their educational work.

APX ( JAAG ) GARBA program

The St Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad hosted its annual cultural NAVRATRI GARBA program on Sat 13 Oct. Due to traffic related parking issues the crowd though was curtailed and numbered over 6000 ( average 10000 plus ) and included students ( free entry sponsored by APX ) , alumni/ae, staff , management and benefactors .

The Garba started at 8 pm with the inter class competition, followed by AARTI and then the revellers has a great time . Indeed an amazing program supported by all collaborators and stake holders of the Institute

St Xavier’s High School Sports Day (APX, JAAG)

The St Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad hosted its 83rd Sports Day on the school grounds on 10 Dec 2017.

APX (Association of Past Xavierites) members participated in the march past along with the school students. APX members also participated in a cycle race and 100 mts sprint .

New solar panels were installed and inaugurated on the school campus (courtesy an alumnus) on the occasion .

Students , staff , peons , alumnus , parents , benefactors and guests enjoyed the morning and this also was a binding and bonding exercise between all collaborators and stake holders .
