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Registration Form for World Congress at Medellin, Colombia

Rev. Fathers and Dear Jesuit Alumni/ae,

We are pleased to attach the Registration form of The 8th Congress of the World Union of Jesuit Alumni/ae will be held at Medellin, Colombia from 14–18 Aug 2013.

Registration fee till 31 March 2013 is U.S. $ 250 and from 1st April 2013 it would be U.S. $ 300.

You are requested to fill it and send along with your remittance.

For more details please contact undersigned or please log on

With Regards,

Naresh Gupta
President, JAAI

Download Registration Form (PDF)

Download Registration Form (DOC)

Association of Past Xavierites(APX) state level Volleyball tournament

The Association of Past Xavierites ( APX ), the Alumni Association of the St.Xaviers High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad, hosted a state level Volleyball tournament on the school grounds, on Sunday 24th March. This event was given technical assistance by the Volleyball Federation of Gujarat state. 12 teams from all over Gujarat state participated in this event. APX also fielded a team. This was an invitational tournament where top teams from across the state were invited to play.

APX members played in this tournament and supported this huge event in large numbers. The local press also covered this tournament. This is the Silver Jubilee year of APX and throughout the year such events and programs are in the pipeline. The celebrations for this 25th year  started with a musical evening on the school grounds, attended by over 1200 revelers.

Association of Past Xavierites (APX) Silver Jubilee Celebrations

The Association of Past Xavierites (APX) , the alumni association of St.Xaviers High School Loyola Hall is celebrating its 25 years. Many programs are planned for this year. the celebrations started on Saturday 9th February, with a JAYKAR BHOJAK musical evening at 7.30 pm on the school grounds. Almost 1200 people enjoyed this musical evening, as this famous singer enthralled all with his songs, Gujarati songs, Bollywood songs and also songs rendered by school students and teachers as well as a masterpiece by APX members.
